How to download Green Button data from PG&E
How to access and share your energy usage data from PG&E When we make investments, we want to make the right decision that best meets our needs. Solar is no different and not one size fits all, making it important to find the right system. Enact is a solar software...
Enact Solar now at Livermore Walmart
Enact Solar is excited to announce our partnership with the Livermore Walmart, which will make the solar journey more convenient for homeowners. Enact’s team will now assist California homeowners at the Livermore Walmart location with a live consultation on solar....
Enact rückt deutschen PV-Markt auf der Solar-Solutions Bremen ins Rampenlicht
Deutschland ist ein Vorreiter beim Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien und führt mit seinem starken Engagement weiterhin die europäische Solarbewegung an. Da der deutsche Solarmarkt wächst, freut sich Enact über seine Teilnahme an der Solar-Solution Bremen, die am 17. und...
Enact shines spotlight on German solar market at Solar-Solutions Bremen
Germany, a stalwart in renewable energy adoption, continues to spearhead the European solar movement with its steadfast commitment to sustainability. As the German solar market grows, Enact is thrilled to announce its participation in the Solar-Solution Bremen...
What is the best direction for solar panels in California?
South is the best direction for solar panels to face in California. South-facing panels perform better for homeowners because they can capture more sunlight and generate more electricity. Since the Earth exists on a slight tilt, sunshine is not evenly distributed. For...
Enact launches Insider Partner Program to accelerate solar and storage services for installers
The Partner Program is designed for U.S. partner installers to grow and streamline their solar and storage business with signed solar projects using Enact's all-in-one software platform Featured in Yahoo Finance Solar Power World PLEASANTON, Calif., March 13, 2024 —...
Neue Enact-Design-Software ermöglicht automatisierte PV-Angebotserstellung
Automatische Höhen- und Neigungsermittlung führen zu einem noch präziseren und schnelleren PV-Planungsprozess München, März 2024 – Die Cloud-Plattform Enact plant Solaranlagen- mit Hilfe von hochauflösenden Satelliten-Bildern, erstellt schnell Angebote mit...
New Enact solar design software provides automated PV-proposal generation
Automatic height and pitch detection result in an even more precise and quicker planning process Featured in North American Clean Energy Electrical Contracting News MUNICH, March 2024 — Enact, an all-in-one cloud platform, offers remote solar design...
What are the environmental benefits of going solar?
Residential solar provides many advantages to homeowners, including financial benefits and environmental benefits. While many homeowners choose to install solar panels for financial reasons, there are numerous environmental benefits. Solar panels harness energy from...
How Enact Home benefits solar installers
Enact solar monitoring is a win-win for consumers and installers Solar monitoring is not just for homeowners. The Enact Home solar monitoring platform strives to connect homeowners with solar installation professionals, improving customer experience. Installers can...