What is the best direction for solar panels in California?

What is the best direction for solar panels in California?

South is the best direction for solar panels to face in California. South-facing panels perform better for homeowners because they can capture more sunlight and generate more electricity. Since the Earth exists on a slight tilt, sunshine is not evenly distributed. For...

What are the environmental benefits of going solar?

What are the environmental benefits of going solar?

Residential solar provides many advantages to homeowners, including financial benefits and environmental benefits. While many homeowners choose to install solar panels for financial reasons, there are numerous environmental benefits. Solar panels harness energy from...

How Enact Home benefits solar installers

How Enact Home benefits solar installers

Enact solar monitoring is a win-win for consumers and installers Solar monitoring is not just for homeowners. The Enact Home solar monitoring platform strives to connect homeowners with solar installation professionals, improving customer experience. Installers can...

What are the financial benefits of going solar?

What are the financial benefits of going solar?

Many homeowners may know about the environmental benefits of installing solar. Solar energy harnesses energy from sunshine and produces clean electricity without carbon emissions. Home solar energy systems also offer homeowners financial benefits. Solar panels can...

Is solar still worth it for homeowners under NEM 3.0?

Is solar still worth it for homeowners under NEM 3.0?

Last year, California rolled out a new solar policy, called NEM 3.0 — which replaced the old Net Metering (NEM 2.0) system with net billing. This change stirred some worry in the solar industry, as it seemed like going solar might not be as financially rewarding....

Five reasons why we love solar

Five reasons why we love solar

This Valentine’s Day, there’s a lot to love and celebrate in the world. Whether you’re happily partnered, celebrating with friends or having some hard-earned me time — we can all love solar energy. Rooftop solar panel systems offer homeowners multiple benefits for...

What is the Solar Investment Tax Credit?

What is the Solar Investment Tax Credit?

The ITC helps American homeowners offset the cost of going solar Rooftop solar panel systems offer homeowners financial savings and environmental sustainability. For many homeowners across the U.S. — solar is an exciting but intimidating investment. The Solar...