Looking back at Enact’s 10th Year

2024 has been a landmark year for Enact Solar, as we proudly celebrate a decade of innovation and growth in the solar and energy storage industry. From our humble beginnings in California to becoming a global leader in solar design and asset management software, this...

Förderung der Solarenergie für Endverbraucher in Deutschland

Deutschland ist ein weltweiter Vorreiter im Bereich der Solarenergie und setzt durch innovative Anreize und eine zukunftsweisende Gesetzgebung, die die Nutzung der Kraft der Sonne zugänglicher denn je macht, neue Maßstäbe. Dieses dynamische Solarumfeld bietet...

Solar incentives for end-users in Germany

Germany is a global pioneer in solar energy, setting the bar through innovative incentives and forward-thinking legislation that make harnessing the power of the sun more accessible than ever. This vibrant solar environment provides installers with a unique...

Was ist die Enact Solar Design Software für Installateure?

Ein vollständiger Leitfaden zu unserer Solar-Software-Plattform Da Solaranlagen für Privathaushalte und Gewerbe immer beliebter werden, benötigen Installateure robuste Werkzeuge, um Projekte effektiv zu verwalten und anspruchsvolle Kunden zufrieden zu stellen. Enact...

5 Things We’re Thankful for In 2024

As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the many things we’re grateful for this year. At Enact Solar, 2024 has been a year of growth, innovation and community. None of it would have been possible without the incredible people and opportunities...

Residential Solar Incentives for California Homeowners

California has long been a leader in solar energy adoption in the United States, owing in large part to its strong incentive programs and legislation. These incentives have made solar electricity more accessible and inexpensive for customers across the state, helping...
